
Friday, December 21, 2012

NOTD: Ruby Pumps by China Glaze

I'm sure the classic Ruby Pumps by China Glaze doesn't need much of an introduction to most people, but this is actually my first time wearing it.  I picked it up last year during the after holiday sales, and figured it would be perfect for my Christmas manicure.
Gah, now I see what all the fuss is about!  Ruby Pumps is absolutely gorgeous and was so easy to apply!  I ended up applying 3 thin coats, as each layer got progressively prettier.  I topped with Seche Vite's top coat, and now I want to know why China Glaze hasn't released a similar polish in every other color.  I believe the blue Dorothy Who? is along the same lines, so I need to try that next. 
You've got that lovely glow from within quality, plus a relatively non-gritty finish, plus a remarkably undiva like application.  All photos were taken inside, as a mini-monsoon was rolling through when I needed to take pictures.

Disclaimer:  I purchased this.

The Nail Files weekly linkup:


  1. So pretty! Stopping by from the link up :)

  2. how long does china glaze typically wear for you? I always seem to have problems with chipping after only one or two days of wear

    1. I can usually get a good 4-5 days without chipping. Have you tried buffing your nails before applying polish? That can help the polish to adhere better. I will say that I'm seeing some slight tip wear after 2 days with Ruby Pumps.
