
Monday, January 7, 2013

Zoya Three Free Deal

Aurora, Storm, Sarah
In case you are not already aware, Zoya is having a get 3 polishes for free.  You do have to pay $10 for shipping, so it's really a get 3 for $3.33 deal, but still really good.  I won't be indulging, as I picked up three Zoya polishes the week before Christmas, when Ulta was having a buy 2 get 1 free special.  Combined with a coupon, I think I spent $11, so almost as good!

To get the special, use code ZOYA2013 at checkout.  The Zoya site has been a bit overloaded today, as it was slow to load or would time out, so lots of people must be taking advantage of this!  Fortunately, the special runs until 11:59 pm on January 13th, so you've got some time. 

Aurora is a purple with a strong holographic finish from the 2012 Ornate collection.  Perfect for Mardi Gras, which is just beginning here.
Also from the Ornate collection is Storm, a black holo.  Sigh, need I say more?
Last is Sarah, a deep red metallic tinged with a coppery gold from the 2010 Fire & Ice collection.  
Disclaimer:  I purchased these.


  1. This is a great deal. I ended up getting more than 3 polishes LOL. Just found your blog and really like it. Keep up the good work :)

    1. It's probably a good thing the site wouldn't cooperate with me, or I probably would have ordered some!
