
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Comfort Zone Eyeshadow Palette by Wet 'n Wild: Review and Swatches

Comfort Zone seems to have been the 8 pan eyeshadow palette that put drugstore brand Wet 'n Wild in league with big dog, considerably more expensive brands, at least as far as eyeshadows go.  I've had Comfort Zone for over a year but never delved into it sufficiently until this past week, when I chose it as part of The Monday Club.  The Monday Club is composed of a group of similarly makeup obsessed women, and we chose the items we want to wear for the week and stick only to those items.  It's a great way to shop within your own stash and show some love to neglected items, plus it's helping me stick with my no-buy!
The shadows are not named (con), but boy are they smooth, pigmented, and easy to work with (pros)!  They are also a bit on the shimmer rich side (con for me), but somehow they still managed to look good on my less than smooth lids (pro).   They have a complexity that goes beyond flat color, which helps.
I found every shade wearable, with the exception of the last color, the duochrome red with greenish teal shift.  While I love the concept of it, I'm not sure it looked good on me.  I played up the green  shift by applying Urban Decay's Loaded along my upper lash line.  I used Maybelline's Tough as Taupe as a base, which seemed to cut down on the redness, but also lent a bit of patchiness.
The greens and browns were my favorites, no real surprise there.  Really lovely colors.
Wet 'n Wild does seem to suffer with inconsistency in quality with some of their other eyeshadow palettes, but Comfort Zone definitely lived up to it's positive reputation.  Factor in the $4.99 price, and you've got a winner!
I'm not sure if hell is freezing over or what, but I've got the day off due to an ice/sleet/snow storm here along the Gulf Coast.  That's pretty unheard of for this area.  What a crazy winter the entire country is having!


  1. Wow that brown/green duochrome is so intense, it does look kind of hard to wear.

    1. Yeah, it wasn't my favorite. I love the whole concept of duotones, but this one wasn't right for my coloring.

  2. Looks like a lovely palette! I'm surprised at how pigmented and intense the shadows are! You should try MAC's Club! It's similar to that duochrome shade, but not as intense!

    1. You know, I don't have a single MAC product! They just were not on my radar until I started reading beauty blogs.

  3. I guess I've been snobbish about the Wet n Wild brand assuming since it was cheap(er) that it was a dollar store type knock off of quality products and wouldn't perform, but I will have to give it a try. Thanks!

    1. Comfort Zone definitely performs. I think some of the newer 8 pan palettes aren't living up to this standard, however. At least based on the reviews I've seen.
