
Friday, January 10, 2014

NOTD: Noot and Cassedy by Zoya

I'm pretty sure the cold weather influenced my choice of nail color this week, as when I see gray I think "cold".  The Gulf Coast got it's share of the arctic blast, with a low of 14 degrees Tuesday night here in Mobile.  I know that's mild compared to what other parts of the country are experiencing, but we're one of the places people come to get away from that nonsense.  It feels positively balmy at 45 degrees as I'm writing this, and we may top 60 this weekend.  Bring it on, as us thin blooded southerners need to thaw out!
Noot (love that name) by Zoya is a dark, glossy shark gray creme.  I've seen descriptions of it as a gray green, but to be honest, I wouldn't have picked up on that on my own.  I used two coats and it was problem free.  Cassedy is a dark pewter gray shimmer and I used one coat over Noot as an accent nail.  I used Zoya's base and top coats along with the Qtica quick dry drops, and I'm happy to see zero sheet creases even though I went to bed not long after doing my nails.  This cold weather wears me out, must be all the shivering :-)
My dogs are getting a little stir crazy, glad it's warming up so I can take them for walks.  What's it like where you're at, and what are you doing to stay warm?

Linking up with The Nail Files hosted by Jennie at Well Shut the Front Door!

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  1. Very pretty! I'm not normally one for dark grey/blacks like that, but Noot definitely has a dimensionality on your nails that makes it less...flat. Enjoy that 60 degrees! It's only in the 40s here in Seattle, but I'd rather have 14 degrees and snow. ;)

  2. I love the dark grey with a splash of sparkle - cheers it up :) It's just rainy here in Vancouver, sitting between 30-40 degrees. We missed the cold weather than everyone else was getting

    aka Bailey

    1. Huh, now see, I would think it would be colder in Vancouver. Shows what I know :-)

  3. Love these colors! It's "warm" today in the 30s. I live in New Hampshire, and it's been horribly cold this week. I can't wait for warmer weather!

    1. I lived in Nashua for about a year in the late 1980's. I do remember how cold it could get there :-)

  4. You still have the sun though, I havent seen the sun for a about a week now lol

    1. Yes, thank goodness for the sunlight, it helps a lot!

  5. Girl, it was so cold here earlier in the week that I questioned whether we moved to Ontario, or the Arctic Circle but now, it's above freezing! I have no idea what's going on but hopefully, it stays warm enough to melt some of the snow and ice!!

    As to your mani. Noot is incredible! I don't see any green in the pictures, though. It seems like a fantastic slate grey! I'm all over it!

    1. Ha, you are a hardy soul to brave that kind of weather!
