
Friday, May 29, 2015

Loving Your Unloved: Naked Palette by Urban Decay May Usage

The Naked 1 palette by Urban Decay was my first choice for my new "Loving Your Unloved" series, where I'll be using a neglected product for a solid month.  I'm hoping this series will help me use items that are neglected and languishing, for whatever reason.  I don't have a long enough attention span to focus on something until it's completely used up, but hopefully this series will help me put in a dent in products or convince me it's time to let them go.
Naked 1 seems to be universally loved, but mine hasn't seen much action in the 3+ years I've owned it.  After a solid month of use, I can say I've developed an affection for a little over half of the shadows, namely Virgin, Sin, Naked, Buck, Smog, Toasted and Hustle.  Creep and Gun Metal are just not colors I wear often, and Sidecar's glitter was a bit much for me.  Half-Baked is pretty but more metallic than I care for, and I had a hard time figuring how I wanted to use Darkhorse.
Now, lots of pictures of the looks I created in May using Naked 1:

But did I make any obvious dent in the palette?  I used Sin the most consistently as an inner eye highlighter, followed by Buck and Naked as all over lid shades or for definition.
Picture taken April 21st
Picture taken May 25th
The biggest difference I can tell is that the surface of most of the shadows in the May 25th picture look more mussed, which is a sign of usage, but it's hard to tell a significant difference.  Gives me an idea of how long I'd have to concentrate on any one shadow in order to use it up, which = not happening.
Most used on a daily basis as an inner eye highlighter.
Now the question is, what item am I going to focus on for June?  Hmmm.....


  1. I have to say you've inspired me to dig out my palette! I'm exactly the same as you, I've always favored 'Virgin' on this palette too :) The look you created is beautiful! xx

    1. Focusing on it for a month definitely helped me to appreciate Naked more! In fact, I pulled it out again yesterday just to use Virgin, as the palette I was using didn't have a good inner eye highlighter shade :-)
