
Friday, May 1, 2015

New Series: Loving Your Unloved Naked 1

I'm intrigued by those who go on Project Pans (using up a specified number of products before allowing yourself to buy new cosmetics/skincare items/etc.)  I'm realistic enough to know I'd never stick to one of those, however.  It did get me to thinking about something I 'd like to try that will get me using items in my collection that are not seeing much love, which I'm calling "Loving Your Unloved".  I'm envisioning this will serve a couple of useful purposes:
  1. I will discover how I really feel about an item, either establishing it as something I do enjoy or something that needs to find a new home or be purged.
  2. It will help me work towards using up items, even if I never do make it completely through a particular eyeshadow, blush, foundation, eyeliner, get the point.
Here are my ground rules, which I'm sure will evolve as I go through the series:
  • I'll pick an item and use it for a solid month.  Pre/post pictures will help me see how much progress I'm making in using it up.
  • If it's something like an eyeshadow palette, I can use other eye products to complement the palette.
My first Loving Your Unloved choice is Urban Decay's Naked 1 palette.  I know this is a fan favorite but my reality is that it has languished in my collection and is hardly ever used. I've had Naked 1 at least 3-4 years, and it looks practically new, with the exception of minor dents in Naked and Buck (I do love my mattes).
I started the Naked 1 Loving Your Unloved in late April so this one will actually run about 5 weeks, and I can say that my first few days have already got me appreciating this palette more.  See?  I don't think this phenomena is uncommon among makeup collectors/bloggers, as we've got so much product that it's easy to lose sight and develop ADD when it comes to what we do own and just keep accumulating more.
If anyone would like to join me in Loving Your Unloved in whatever variation you chose, I'd love to hear about your choices and progress as well!  I'll be posting about my Naked 1 journey and impressions on May 30th, as well as announcing what product I'll be focusing on for Part 2. 

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