
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sephora Mini Haul for my Birthday

I'm back from my unplanned hiatus from blogging - sorry about that.  Work was out of hand and I've discovered that blogging is similar to exercise:  once you stop it's hard to get started again.  However, I'm on vacation and today's my birthday, so might as well get back on that horse!
I'm also discovering that my desire to acquire beauty items is abating, no doubt due to having more than I'll ever be able to use in my lifetime as it is. I did want to get Sephora's birthday present for Beauty Insiders, the NARS lip pencils in Cruella and Rikugien, so a small purchase in the form of Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC)  lip tar in Kimberly was in order. OCC is leaving Sephora and all the lip tars are on sale for $9, and Kimberly has been calling me for a while.
Throw in samples of Too Faced's new foundation Born This Way and I'm a happy camper. It' looks like Light Beige will be a good match for me, and with the good reviews I've been reading I'm looking forward to trying it out.  SuperGoop's CC Cream has held my interest all summer and my be my foundation holy grail, but we shall see.
I'm happy that Sephora is now carrying Burberry, as there are a few items I would like to try. Belif's The True Cream = Aqua Bomb is a tried and true favorite and it's nice that Sephora has started carrying more Korean brands.
I'll leave you with a picture of this sweet bunny, which my Border Collie mix brought me a few weeks back. It was late at night and I was getting ready for bed when Maggie jumped up and ran outside. About 10 minutes later she came back with something white hanging from her mouth. I thought it was a t-shirt until she dropped it and it started jumping. The bunny appeared uninjured and I was able to catch it and put it out my front door.
The next day I'm walking the dogs and see the bunny sitting in the middle of someone's yard, sunning itself. This is no wild bunny, I said to myself, and it won't survive if I don't catch it again. So, a few hours and several carrots later, Chance the bunny was safely housed and I already had someone in mind as a potential home. A colleague of mine has several bunnies and sure enough, she and her husband graciously agreed to give Chance a home. The vet says Chance is a healthy girl bunny about 10-12 weeks old, and her new mom says she is sweet as can be. How she ended up in my backyard is anyone's guess, which is why I named her Chance. How sweet was Maggie to catch her without doing any damage and bring her to me?  An early birthday present!

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