
Monday, April 11, 2016

Empties! Products I Used Up in March

Not a whole lot of products to show you this month, but there are some tried and true favorites in here as well as one sample that has me thinking I need a full sized version. Let's take a look!
The Desert Essence JoJoba Oil has become one of my favorite post-shower body care items.  I love mixing it with my Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's perfume oils for soft, scented skin that lasts all day. A bottle lasts a surprisingly long time, and I've already purchased another. Love. If for some strange reason I could only have one body moisturizer, this would be it.
I'm mentioned my fondness for Julep's Rethink Your Shower Hydrating Body Cleansing Oil a few times now, but in case you missed it: it's good stuff. Two to three pumps in a mesh puff is enough for the whole body and the light citrus scent is refreshing but not overpowering. My skin is left clean but not stripped of moisture. A new bottle already awaits me.
psssst! Instant Dry Shampoo is a staple and my favorite of all the dry shampoos I've tried.  It's affordable, I like the scent, and it works.  Nuff said.  I believe I have two bottles waiting in the wings.
I'm seeing a trend for the sheet masks I reached for in March, and it's tea tree based ingredient lists. That's because each spring my skin goes into oil producing hyperdrive and March marked that milestone. I was experiencing some blemishes as a result, and reached for the Innisfree It's Real Squeeze Mask in Tea Tree and the Bon Vivant Botanical Mask Pack in Mint + Teatree. Both felt refreshing and helped calm my skin down.
A new neck mask that I picked up recently is the Rodial Glamtox Neck Mask. It is supposed to tighten and hydrate the neck area, which is an area on me that is showing the effects of age the most. The mask did have a tendency to slip a bit, and one use was not enough for me to really form an impression. I have several more and will report back if I notice anything of significance.
I don't think I've ever made it through an entire bottle of top coat before it got too gloppy to use, but I came close with butterLondon's P.D. Quick. I like it, but have several other brands to go through at the moment.
reviewed Clinique's Beyond Perfecting Foundation + Concealer on Friday, so won't go into much detail here. Suffice it to say I'm contemplating purchasing a bottle, although my desire to use up some foundations I have on hand first will probably win out.

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