
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Callex: Exfoliating Ointment for Dry, Cracked Feet

Disclaimer:  I purchased this.
I looked down at my feet not too long ago and went "uh oh".  Sandal weather has been here for quite a while and my feet were not looking up to par.  Dry, dead skin that needed exfoliating and feet that just general needed some TLC, so I dug out my jar of Callex ($14.95).  I had been more diligent about using this ointment in colder weather months but had slacked off when the temps started trending up, and it showed.
Callex Ointment thins and softens hardened skin and exfoliates dry, cracked heels using a patented formula featuring enzymes that selectively exfoliate only dry, cracked, thickened and scaly skin while the petrolatum base retains natural skin moisture. It is also paraben and preservative free, and as you can see from the modest ingredient list, relies on peppermint oil for it's fragrance.
Does it work?  Yep, it gets the job done.  Since I started using it again 2 weeks ago my feet look and feel much softer.  I've been following the directions and have resisted using any exfoliating tools to slough off those thicker, rough patches that invariably develop on the heels/balls of my feet, and I can tell that they are not as thick or rough. 
This won't give you overnight miracles, but with continued use it does do what it says it will. I'm just about out and will probably repurchase.  I say probably because I may go for something a bit more heavy duty, such as a foot ointment with high levels of salicylic acid, which should finish off those thicker rough spots.  But for a more gentle approach?  Callex delivers. 

1 comment:

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