
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lavanila Healthy Sunscreen SPF40 for Face: Sample Series v.1

I know that anyone who buys as much makeup or skincare products as I do has a surplus of samples laying around.  I'm making a concerted effort to make a dent in mine, and it occurred to me that I should feature the ones that leave a strong impression on me.  After all, we get these samples from stores because they hope we will be moved to purchase the full sized versions after trying a sample.  Occasionally I am but more often I'm not, but either way that's okay - they help me to make more informed decisions.
Since I'm committed to reforming my non SPF wearing ways and I read you should throw away SPF older than one year, I grabbed this Lavanila sample and put it on prior to walking the dogs Saturday.  I've also read that for adequate protection, you should use a teaspoons worth on your face (!!), so I used the entire packet.  What you see below were the dregs left over.
At first glance, the ingredient list looks good, especially the no harsh chemicals and other things not included part.  The description on Sephora sounds so lovely:
This residue-free, smooth-gliding, non-comedogenic formula uses a new generation of mineral sunscreens for broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection. Infused with youth-promoting antioxidants, botanicals, and amino acids, this ultra-sheer formula delivers daily protection and nourishment. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide deliver high-level UV filters to keep fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots at bay.
I've voiced my dislike ad nauseum of sunscreens due to the greasy film they leave on my face, and this review is only going to ramp that up, sadly.  What struck me first was that it takes a while for the grayish white film you see above to dissipate.  In fact, it didn't completely, as my face did look a bit gray until I washed the sunscreen off.  Gray is not a good look for me, nor am I one of those looking for products to whiten my skin.  I like my warm undertones.  But to walk the dogs in the neighborhood, I figured I could deal, especially since I'm pretty sure no sun is getting through this SPF.  This stuff is heavy duty, as in I can feel it on my skin. 

Between the grayish cast, the heavy feel, and the obvious greasy sheen - this was a no go for me.  I washed it off as soon as I got back to the house.  I could perhaps see wearing this for lounging by the pool and swimming, as I think it probably lasts quite well in those conditions. 

Disclosure:  I received this sample as part of a purchase of other products.


  1. I loathe a gray sunscreen. I also can't find one that doesn't end up running into my eyes (and thus my contacts ) when I start sweating. My last wasted tube was that Neutrogena for Faces stuff. (I also burned wearing it) Seems I'm stuck with good old znic based Ocean Potion if I want water-proof complete sunblock. But dang it looks horrid !

    1. I've found a mineral powder sunscreen from Peter Thomas Roth that I like, but I've yet to find a lotion based one I really like.
