
Monday, November 12, 2012

Wet n' Wild Idol Eyes Creme Shadow Pencil in Techno

Techno is such a pretty color, a duo tone blue purple, that applies as a sheer wash of color.
Sadly, Techno is also  a hot mess that creases within minutes after application, even over a primer.  The formula is such that it never sets or dries, so the creasing is going to be inevitable.

This photo was taken within 10 minutes of application, and the one below just a few minutes later in the sun.  I wanted to see if Techno could be salvagable as a base for powder shadows and proceeded to experiment a bit.

On the plus side, Techno did make the Clinique shadows I tried on top of it much more vibrant.  You can see the difference between the top row of swatches, which was over bare skin, and the bottom row, which was over Techno.
However, I can see some patchiness and bald spots on the right eye within minutes of application, and 3 hours later it was awful, so Techno won't be working as a shadow base for me either. 
15 minutes after application
3 hours after application
So there was no salvaging Techno, but fortunately this was not a costly failure, as it retails for $1.99 and I got 40% off of that.  In the trash it goes, unless you know something I don't!

Disclosure:  I purchased this.


  1. Oh O_o, such a pity it didn't work. It seemed like a fantastic colour on the pen!

    1. I know! Such a pretty color, such poor performance:-(
