
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

February Eco Emi

February's Eco Emi celebrated the 2 year birthday of this green product subscription service.  Eight items were included in a nice tin, which I think I will repurpose to hold some of my mineral eyeshadows. 
First up is a lip balm by Moody Sisters in Peppermint Spice.  I've been using it for a few days and it's a nice texture that does hydrate my lips, so I'm happy!  Love the kitty icon, and the value is $3.95.
Next is a really pretty lip gloss called Red Berry from Purely You   Infused with olive fruit oil, rose hip seed oil, and vitamin E with a peppermint flavor, it does feel good on and provides a sheer wash of color.  It has a thinner consistency with very little tack, so I doubt the staying power is very long.  Regular sized is $7 so I'm estimating the sample at $1.50.
There was one foil packet sample of Aubrey Collagen & Almond lotion.  I'm traveling this month so this may go with me. I'm going to estimate it's value at .35 cents. 
The ily Styling Gel arrived a bit messy, so I'm guessing it leaked a bit during shipping.  I don't normally use a styling gel, but this natural ingredient one is supposed to cut down on frizz, which is definitely an issue on the humid Gulf Coast.  Maybe once I get my hair cut again, I'll give it a whirl.  Sample value is $1.60.
I also received an exfoliating foaming cleanser from Suki.  I've tried this before in a foil packet and really liked it, so I'm glad to have a larger size so that I can get a better feel for it.  Sample value is $2.05.
Also included were an Athena yogurt bar in Pumpkin Spice that was quite yummy (value=$1.89),  a packet of whitening gum by Vitacare (value=$1.99), and a trio of barley wheat, and alfalfa grass packets (value=$1.46).  All totaled, the value of February's box not counting the tin is $14.79, or about the $15 I pay for the subscription. 
It did seem like there were fewer samples included in this months box and the value is a little less than usual, but I do like the items included!  I have found Eco Emi to be a great way to get introduced to natural and organic beauty and lifestyle products that I otherwise would have little, if any, exposure to.

Disclaimer:  I purchased this.

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