
Friday, March 29, 2013

Zoya Spring Color Cuties

Zoya recently had a special where you could purchase mini bottles of 12 different colors at 6 for $5/ea or 12 for $3/ea.  I chose the buy 12 at $3/ea option (free shipping included!), and my box arrived Thursday.  Unfortunately, they only included 6 of the 12.  After chatting online with customer service, they are sending replacements for 4 of the 6 not sent, as two of them - Zuza and Lo - are completely gone.  Oh well, stuff happens!  The customer service rep was very nice and apologetic, and I'll be getting refunds for those two.
I have relatively few Zoya polishes in my collection, but my experience with the ones I do have has been quite good.  The formula is 5 free - toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin and DBP (dibutyl phthalate) - and the brand has had a focus on developing healthy  products since it's inception in 1986.
Arizona, Neely, Gilda, Tanzy, Shelby, Blu
I personally love mini bottles, as I don't think I've ever gone through an entire bottle of polish - mini or otherwise.  Throw in the lovely array of springtime colors that seem especially appropo for the upcoming Easter weekend as well as some colors that will carry my into hot weather, and I'm all set.  Now, I just need to buy some cotton pads so I can remove my old polish and try these cuties out!

Did anyone else buy the Spring Color Cuties? 

Disclaimer:  I purchased these.   

The Nail Files weekly linkup:


  1. Awwww... Zoya is way too expensive here, I can only dream of buying one.

    1. Ah, that's too bad! I forget about the price differences in other countries, but I know some get around that by getting friends in the US to purchase for them. Of course, then there's shipping costs...

  2. Fun colors.. These are perfect for Spring & Summer. Bummer you didn't get all the colors you wanted.

    Stopping by from the Nail File Link up!

  3. Ohh wow, Gorgeous & fun colors perfect for the upcoming seasons!!

    just stopped by for the linkup!

  4. Definitely going to have to check out Zoya's new thing - I love mini bottles too :) Love the colors you got!
