
Friday, July 26, 2013

NOTD: Kennedy and Adele by Julep

Years back, I usually painted my nails a cream or beige color and that was it.  Consequently, I've got so many variations of cream colored nail polishes it's not even funny, and I also have a lingering fondness for cream/beige nail polishes.  So even though I saw several online comments on how 'ugly' Kennedy from the Julep Nantucket Nostalgia collection was, I wasn't put off by it.
Adele, Kennedy
If only the formula would cooperate.  Just like with Bess from the same collection, I found Kennedy a bit difficult to work with.  The first coat was streaky and while the second was better, it wasn't as smooth as I would like.  Yes, it's a bit boring, but sometimes you need a palate cleanser!  That only lasted about a day, however:-)
I was planning on topping Kennedy with Adele anyhow, and Adele is a stunner - a gold looking top coat that actually has many different colors in it's makeup.  From the July California Coast collection, I can see burgundy, purple, and blue in the mix when I look at my nails, even though the overall impression is a gold with a slight greenish cast.  I used 2 coats for the above.
Complex and lovely, plus the formula was easy to work with, finally!  I'm sure Adele is going to look great over lots of different colors - definitely worth a look!

Linking up to the Weekly Nail Files hosted by Well Shut the Front Door!

Disclaimer:  I purchased these.


  1. i love adele! i missed out on such a unique coloe D:

    1. Adele is definitely a star, glad I picked it up! I'm sure there will be opportunities to get one on sale at some point, though.

  2. Looks good with Adele over it! :)

    - Toria

  3. OOOOO! I love Adele!! It took that beige-y yellow and made it look much more interesting! I can't wait to see what else you do with it! :)

  4. Both colors look amazing! Adele looks like such a wearable shimmer shade (:

  5. Adele is really gorgeous and unique!
