
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Storing Foil Samples: What Works for You?

It's easy to get overrun with skincare samples, especially if you (a) have several subscription services and (b) shop online a lot (yep and yep).  I used to store my foil samples in a recipe box, as it has dividers and made it relatively easy to divide the samples into different categories.
After a while, however, I had to start putting samples in a makeup bag as well, which I kept near my sink so I would remember to fish something out and use it.  However, I would forget more often than not, and the foils sitting in the recipe box were totally neglected, as "out of sight out of mind" totally applies to me.
So, my current system involves another makeup organizer bag that I hang on bathroom door, which makes it both prominent and easy to access.  It has three compartments, which allows me to separate foils into daytime, nighttime, and eye moisturizers. I am finding that I'm using samples more frequently, so this is an improvement.  I've also got a plastic organizer tray on a shelf next to my sink that contains items I'm currently using or want to try out next, so there is a bit of a cue system going on as well.

How do you store your samples?  Any tips that might help me out?  I recently discovered that foil samples can go bad (not sure why I thought they would last forever), when I used a DHC moisturizer that smelled off.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize it til I'd spread it all over my face :-)


  1. I am still struggling with how to organise my samples. I'm perpetually messy-bedroomed, so I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions - except perhaps a few nice glasses, divide samples into using, yet to use and close to expiry? xx

    1. I like the idea of dividing them up with those close to expiration in mind! So much of that relies on remembering how long I've had them, as there are no expiration dates on samples that I've seen! Definite first world problems here :-)

  2. The recipe box has got to be the SMARTEST idea ever!!!
    I personally just try not to collect samples because I am not fond of foil packaging, also I stopped all my sub boxes about a year ago so it's all good :)

    1. I'm telling you, they take over! I like them when I'm traveling, but I don't travel enough to make a dent in them.
