
Friday, October 4, 2013

NOTD: Epidote by JINsoon

The polishes in the JINsoon Tibi collection are named after the minerals that inspired them, and epidote crystals are characteristically green in color.  The polish Epidote, however, reminds me of the poison apple from Snow White, or better yet, the tree that it grew from.  Perhaps my imagination is a bit out there, but this morpher changes with the light from shades of rust to emerald, and I envision a pulsating apple that is just inviting you to take a bite.  At your own risk, of course.
Because there is a poison apple tree.  It's called Manchineel, or "little apple of death", and it's one of the most poisonous trees in the world.  If you stand under this tree while it's raining, your skin will blister.  The smoke from a burning Manchineel tree can cause blindness.  The Carib used the sap to poison the tips of their arrows and would tie unfortunate prisoners to the tree, ensuring a slow and painful death.
Epidote is a beauty, and I'm again impressed with JINsoon polish quality and wear time.  I used two coats with a base and top coat, and application was problem free.  I wore Epidote for 5 days and had some tip wear but no chipping. 
I'm thinking Epidote is a great color for fall and Halloween, what say you?

Linking up with The Nail Files hosted by Well Shut the Front Door!


  1. Poisonous apple trees aside (haha) I LOVE THIS COLOUR! It's so freaking cool! When the light hits it, it's AMAZINGLY GREEN! Love, love, love!!

    1. That emerald green color kind of surprises you!

  2. Very very pretty color! And interesting info about the tree, kinda scary. haha

    1. I must be in a Halloween frame of mind - or in the mood for scary stories :-)

  3. Yeah that is a great color - I'd love to get my hands on it! And that's all very interesting about the poison apple tree, thanks for including that :)


  4. I have never heard of a poisonous apple tree! That is so fascinating.
    Love your polish for this week!! I don't know why I love green polish so much :D

  5. Epidote is truly a unique beauty!! I love how it looks like a different polish in different lights! I had no idea there were poisonous apple trees. How scary!!

  6. It looks so cool in the sunlight!!
