
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February Birchbox: Step and Repeat

In honor of all the awards show that happen at this time of the year, February's Birchbox was a collaborative effort with US Weekly. I've got to admit that the tag line "Step and Repeat" keeps bringing up images of the cheesy dance section "Bend and Snap" in Legally Blonde.  Somehow, the fact that a musical was built around this movie escaped me.  Anyone else?  If you did miss this cultural phenom, you can check it out as part of Maxim's "The 10 Most Uncomfortable Movie Dance Scenes". 
Fortunately, my box this month did not fall into the cheesy category.  Somehow, when I was taking the box photographs, I missed that one of the items was hidden behind the tissue paper.  Chalk that up to my foggy, sleep deprived brain :-)  But, my box contained 5 items, so let's take a closer look!
Hair oils continue in their popularity with most brands entering the foray in some fashion, and this month brings us the exclusive launch of Beauty Protector's Protect & Oil.  This one is argan oil based but also heavy on silicones.  It does provide protection from heat and UV rays and I'd say it's most attractive feature (for me) is it's scent.  I could be crazy, but I'm smelling some Pink Sugar here, and as I like that fragrance, that's fine by me.  It's a generous sample size and I'm estimating value at $1.50.
Whish visits us again, this time as a Pomegranate body butter.  It's a nice formula and I like that it contains naturally sourced organic ingredients.  The scent is light and spring like and it remained for a few hours before dissipating, but was not heavy enough to interfere with wearing perfume.  Sample value is $3.52.
I love receiving eye creams as samples, as a little goes a long way in this category.  I haven't tried It's Potent Eye Benefit Cream before, and I'm intrigued with the extensive ingredient list.  I don't know if more=better, but it's got a lot going on there, and the packaging from the box to the jar is lovely.  Sample value is $6.80.
A new item (and the one that was hidden under the tissue paper) from Miracle Skin Transformer is the Face Spotlight, a subtle skin smoother with shimmer and SPF20 that can be used all over or as a highlighter.  I wore this under my eyes and along my cheekbones Saturday, and I like it.  It gives a soft glow with its peachy gold color.  Sample value is $3.25.
The extra this month were 2 packets of 32 Efferverscent Breath Treatment.  Think pop rocks with the ability to freshen your breath, and you've got it!  The Honey Mint version tasted like candy to me, and considering I crave something sweet after eating, I could see this as a smart option for soothing my sweet tooth while freshening my breath.  These don't just mask odor, but have the ability to kill bacteria that causes bad breath.  Sample value is 98 cents, bringing the box total to $16.05.  Overall, a solid month from Birchbox and I continue to enjoy my $10/month subscription!


  1. Omg?! Just $10 for such a fancy box?! Wow what lovely products.. I wish Birch box shipped to India as well ;(

    1. It's funny, because I've seen a lot of criticism towards Birchbox for the size of samples and not taking into account every stated preference in profiles, but I think they do a great job! The brand variety and quality is excellent, IMO.

  2. I am pleasantly surprised that Birchbox hasn't raised its price over the years! For 10$ the stuff you get is really great!

    1. Considering how much postage has gone up, I'm surprised they haven't either! I can only assume their business model isn't reliant on the subscription box price.
