
Friday, April 18, 2014

Rouge Ecstasy in 501 Peony by Giorgio Armani

Well hello there, you big red lacquer'd tube of delight.  You say your name is Peony?  I'm so happy to make your acquaintance.  Truly.
Honestly, I wouldn't have even known that Armani had a beauty line if I wasn't addicted to reading beauty blogs.  My consciousness first became aware of Armani primarily through 1980's American Gigolo, which apparently helped to established the line in Hollywood.  Ah, the decadent '80's, the era I came of age in, for better or worse. 
First, let's talk about this tube, because it's luxury all the way.  It's got nice heft, and the top connects with a satisfying magnetic "thump".  For some reason I get a kick out that.  

Second, let's talk about the formula.  The Rouge Ecstasy line is billed as the first "CC" lipstick, with the C's standing for care and color:
  • Care: Rouge Ecstasy offers the comfort and softness of a lip balm, leaving lips repaired and beautifully enhanced day after day.
  • Color: This velvety soft, everyday lipstick coats the lips in saturated, ultra-luminous shades with impeccable hold. Application is simple, precise and effective.
Third, let's talk about how Peony feels and looks on the lips.  In one word:  lovely.  It's surprisingly lightweight but doesn't skimp on color or shine.  Just smooth, glossy color that enhance my lips without leaving them feeling parched. 
Fourth, let's talk about the price:  $34.  I'm fortunate that I like this as much as I do, and that's all I'll say about that :-)  I could see treating myself with another one at some point.
What's your price cut off point for a lipstick? 


  1. I wouldn't have known about these if I wasn't into blogging either! Definitely want to try these one day!
