
Friday, October 24, 2014

NOTD: Virtual Insanity by Deborah Lippmann

I've got the first Deborah Lippman polish I've ever worn to show you today, and it's a beauty!  I'd like to claim I picked it out myself, but Virtual Insanity was a GWP in the Barney's beauty bag I got last month.  Furthermore, it's an exclusive to Barney's shade that costs even more ($24) than regular Lippman polishes.
But did I mention how pretty it is?  I'm drawn to crimson polishes once the weather starts to hint at fall, but Virtual Insanity takes it a step further by being a purple with crimson shimmer, giving it an extra added dimension.  This is two coats of polish with Butter London's topcoat.
Mobile is finally experiencing that hint of fall weather right now, with gorgeous warm days, low humidity, and crisp nights.  I actually don't go by the weather to determine when fall has arrived, but by when the banana spiders make their appearance, which is usually in September.  Take a look at this beauty, which hung her web right over the spot where I usually take pictures.  As long as I know where they are, I'm okay, but I have a huge fear of walking into one of their webs and then flailing myself to death.
Linking up with The Nail Files hosted by Jennie Shaw:

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  1. Um. Bananaspiderswhat? *shudders*

    Love this purple!!! The price makes me want to faint, but the holo-ish effect is just gorgeous! Really, really pretty.

    1. Have to agree on the price, glad I got it as a GWP!

  2. Oh my goodness, that is STUNNING! So drool-worthy!

    The spider though, not so much. haha Good photo though. lol

    1. Definitely a stunning polish and scary looking spider:-)
