
Thursday, December 18, 2014

VIP Shadows by Le Métier de Beauté: Shimmery Sand-White and Deep Emerald Green

Le Métier de Beauté's (LMdB) December offering for their VIP subscription program were two single eye shadows:  Shimmery Sand-White and Deep Emerald Green.  They're both lovely and seasonally appropriate :-)
Shimmery Sand-White is an apt name, as it is indeed a shimmery oyster white that is great as a highlighter, an all over wash of color, or blended with Deep Emerald Green as a soft grayish-green.  It applies easily and smoothly.
Deep Emerald Green is a blackened green that looks charcoal in some light, although direct light brings out it's emerald shimmer.  Gorgeous color, but a bit more tempermental than Shimmery Sand-White.  It can be a bit patchy if not carefully blended (indeed, almost buffed out) with a brush.  A primer was necessary with both of these, as the pigment is looser and needs something to adhere for color impact. 
The shadows are soft, and just touching my brush to the pan picks up color easily.  I did notice fading after about 7-8 hours of wear, even over primer.  In some ways these remind me of baked shadows in how they wore.
Blurry to see the shimmer
Shimmery Sand-White and Deep Emerald Green blended
LMdB single shadows are $30 each, and I'm happy to have both of these in my collection.  The VIP program has been superb this year, truly, and I'm glad there is more to come:-)


  1. stunning! The subscription service is so expensive, but you make it look so tempting.... this might have to be a christmas myself!

    1. I think subscriptions will reopen again in July, so start saving now! It's a lot of money upfront to pay, but the product value is well worth it, IMO.
