
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tatcha Luminous Deep Hydration Revitalizing Eye Mask and Ageless Revitalizing Eye Cream

Disclaimer:  These were GWP's.
Tatcha is a luxury skincare line inspired by geisha beauty rituals.  I'll admit that what I know about geisha culture is heavily influenced by Western movies and books, in particular the book Memoirs of a Geisha.  It does make sense that women who devote their lives to creating beauty around them would know how to maximize their own beauty, so I'll buy into the story and philosophy behind the brand:
Today we'll be looking at two of the Tatcha eye products:  Luminous Deep Hydration Revitalizing Eye Mask ($12 for a single)  and the Ageless Revitalizing Eye Cream ($135 for full size).  I received both of these as GWP's and have been using the eye cream for about a month now.
The Luminous Deep Hydration Revitalizing Eye Mask features Tatcha's proprietary Okinawa Red Algae blend with Peony Extract.  The coconut-derived biocellulose mask is saturated with the essence and adheres very well to the skin - in fact this type of material was originally developed to help healing in burn victims.
The pads feel cool and refreshing on the skin for the 15 minutes you are supposed to wear them, and after that time there is still plenty of essence left that you can massage into your skin.  I used my fingers to scoop out what was left in the foil and spread it all over my face as well.
The skin around my eyes was plump and the fine lines were diminished, although that's only going to be a temporary benefit.   It would be interesting to see if weekly use gives prolonged benefits, but the $12 per use makes these more of a "special occasion" kind of product for me.
Instructions say to apply the Ageless Revitalizing Eye Cream after the mask, and I've been using it for about a month now at night.  It's a thicker cream that tends to sit on the top of my skin more than it absorbs, sadly.  I've actually woken up in the morning, rubbed my eyes, and felt the residue from the cream bead up and roll off.  I don't think I'm using too much, but who knows?
I also experienced a bit of a reaction after about two weeks of use (not milia, more like tiny red bumps), so I backed off from using it nightly and now use it about every third evening.  So.....this isn't my favorite eye cream and for the price ($135) I would need to LOVE it, and I don't.  I'm not ready to give up on it completely, however, and I think it will continue to see sporadic use, especially as I've got two of these deluxe sample sizes.

I can say I've also tried a Tatcha face cream for evening use that I love, so like any brand, there are hits and misses.  The Revitalizing Eye Mask is more of a hit and the Revitalizing Eye Cream is more of a miss, but that's life in beauty product land:-)

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