
Monday, January 23, 2012

Bubble and Bee Organic Body Butter

 In my quest to find an effective natural deodorant, I learned about Bubble & Bee Organic, a company based in Bountiful, Utah.  The founder, Stephanie Greenwood, with a chemistry background and concerned about the "hidden ingredients" found in many products, decided to make her own products using simple, organic ingredients.  Stephanie is also the author of the blog Chemical of the Day, a very useful site for learning about the ingredients used in beauty products.  I've now purchased several Bubble & Bee products and the first I'll be reviewing is the Sugar & Spice body butter. 

This is possibly the richest body butter I've ever used.  The consistency reminds me of butter cream frosting and the smell of spice cake.  Or possibly any of the other wonderful things baked around Thanksgiving and Christmas...pumpkin pie, gingerbread cookies....but I digress.  I think the fact that brown sugar and spices are included in the body butter make this inevitable.  When first applied, you can actually feel a slight grittiness which must be the sugar and spices - but don't worry, they blend in quickly.  Those with sensitive skin may want to make note of this, however, in case of irritation.  Other scents are available in Coconut & Lime, Vanilla & Raspberry, and Jasmine.  I love that they also include an unscented version, which is perfect for those scent averse or for those in environments with a no scent policy (healthcare, for example).  I have smelled the Coconut & Lime and it would make a great summer scent.  Sugar & Spice became my go to holiday scent - it really is scrumptious. 

A possible down side for some may be that it is too rich.  This is a heavy body butter and if you don't like lotions that you can tell are on your skin, you may not like this.  You can see how emollient it is in the pictures here and how it leaves a sheen on the skin, which I guess could be great for bare summer legs and arms.  It could also possibly leave oil marks on delicate fabrics.  Personally, I find it perfect for cold winter days when I'm wearing my long johns and corduroy pants or bundled up in my fleece pj's. 

Bubble & Bee Organic Body Butters can be purchased in 4 oz. jars for $16.95 or 8 oz. jars for $24.95.  Or, if you want to sample before committing to a larger size, trial sizes are available for $3.99.  Since these are 100% organic and don't contain the preservatives found in many products, shelf life is listed as 10 months. 

Ingredients:  Organic shea butter, organic coconut oil with retained coconut meat, organic macadamia nut oil, organic almond oil, organic jojoba oil, organic olive and organic coconut oil infused with brown sugar and spices.  

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