
Monday, January 23, 2012

Nail of the Day: Flesh Wound After Dark

I think after my last pastel manicure I was in the mood for something a bit more dramatic.  So, I chose a base coat of OPI's iconic Lincoln Park After Dark, which I recently got as one of 10 mini-bottles in the "Best of the Best" collection.  The first coat had me seriously doubting, as it was streaky as all get out.  By the second coat, however, I was a convert.  Holy vamp city, batman!  I see why it's a favorite now - we've got a seriously glossy blackened eggplant going on here.  Sadly, I have no photos of that as I was too impatient to try out It's Just a Flesh Wound from Nerdlacquer on top of it.  
 As described at Nerdlacquer: "It's Just a Flesh Wound is a fierce black base with small and medium black, red, and copper hexagonal glitter, plus black and charcoal microglitter and big silver hex glitter. This color always triumphs, and will still look fearsome even if a passing king lops one of your arms off. Looks amazing as a top coat over black or red. Also might challenge the other polishes in your collection to a duel; best to store it separately."  This makes me smile.

Hence my name for this manicure - Flesh Wound After Dark - a combo of two coats each of Lincoln Park After Dark and It's Just a Flesh Wound with one coat of OPI's Rapid Dry top coat.  You probably didn't need me to spell that out, but I felt bit compelled.  Amanda from Nerdlacquer also included the cute pom-pom ring in my order - nice touch.  All photos can be clicked on to enlarge for more detail.

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