
Friday, May 17, 2013

NOTD: Zoya Blu

I wasn't expecting to like Zoya Blu as much as I do.  I was envisioning it as chalky looking and perhaps even wash me out, but no.  Some polishes just have to be on the nail to fully appreciate them, and I think Blu is one of those colors for me.

Blu looks slightly darker on the nail than it does in the bottle, and in some lighting even takes on a bit of a glow in the dark quality.  I imagine using a white polish as a base coat would get a more true to bottle color.  This would be such a nice contrast for those with darker complexions or a bit of a tan!

Blu was a one coater for me, except on my thumbs, which needed a second coat around the edges.  The polish is slightly thick but leveled out nicely.  Sadly, the Julep Fast Dry top coat I used bubbled a bit :-(  Blu was not the culprit, however, as it performed nicely. 

Disclaimer:  I purchased this.

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  1. That's so interesting that you found this polish thick. I got a bottle a little while ago and found that I needed two serious coats for coverage because it was so thin! Funny how different batches of the same colour can be. It really is a great blue, though! :)

    1. That is interesting - so much for quality control!

  2. Nice, very spring-y. I hate it when topcoats bubble, it's like you spend all this time making sure the base color goes on perfectly and then BAM, ruined!

    1. I know! I can't remember this top coat bubbling before, but may it did and this color just showed it more.

  3. What a pretty color! I have one bottle of Zoya and found it to be really thick as well.

  4. This is gorgeous.. I love how it looks on your nails vs in the bottle.
