
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nail of the Day: Tyin' the Knot in the Spotlight

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I thought I'd try something in that spirit.  However, looking at my pink and red nail polishes did not inspire me, as they felt too bright and spring like.  My eye was drawn to a bottle of Sally Hansen, and when I looked at the title it was perfect - Tyin' the Knot.  Now, the color is a gray with a brownish tint, so not quite sure how that ties into weddings, but it felt right to me.  If you click on the macro photo, you can also see flecks of teal, pink, red, yellow and green.  I topped it off with a coat of Sally Hansen's In the Spotlight, which is a holographic bar glitter.
Tyin' the Knot, Sally Hansen Diamond Strength

Tyin' the Knot wasn't the easiest to apply, as it was both streaky and easy to get too much on the brush at the same time.  However, two coats smoothed things out.  In the Spotlight had the problem of getting plenty of bars on one nail and hardly any on the next, so you have to work with it to get an even application.  Not sure how I feel about bar glitter yet.  Turned out to be something of a moot point, as I badly smudged a nail and started all over with a completely different look, including ultra short nails.  But I do like Tyin' the Knot and will wear it again!

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