
Friday, May 22, 2015

NOTD: Pussy Galore from The Bond Girls

James Bond: Who are you?
Pussy Galore: My name is Pussy Galore.
James Bond: I must be dreaming.

Here's something I didn't know, having not read Ian Fleming's novel Goldfinger:  Pussy Galore and her organized crime girl gang were all lesbians.  Of course the movie did not explicitly go there, and of course James Bond managed to seduce Pussy Galore despite her having told him "You can turn off the charm.  I'm immune."  It was 1964, and he is James Bond, after all.
So, I find it ironic that the polish in honor of Bond girl Pussy Galore is an uber feminine light pink, although the liquid sand texture does give it some grit :-)  What is not captured in the photos that is evident in person is the darker fuchsia microglitter that gives a bit more complexity to the light pink. I'm wearing two coats and I do love how quickly textured polishes dry, although I've got a small chip after 3 days of wear.
The Bond Girls liquid sand mini-set was released in spring of 2013 and Pussy Galore is the second one I've worn.  I'm still partial to Solitaire (see here), although Pussy Galore is definitely the more interesting of the Bond girl characters, IMO.

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