
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Loving Your Unloved v. 4: MAKE Geisha and Czarina Blushes

Time for volume 4 of my "Loving Your Unloved" series, where I select makeup items that have been neglected and use them for a month.  My selection for September were two blushes from MAKE - Geisha and Czarina.
Geisha, Czarina
I do most of my makeup shopping online, which means I have to rely on the pictures posted by the respective stores.  That must explain why I got the similarly hued Geisha and Czarina, as opposed to two shades that were more varied.  Must be.  They are not exactly the same, as Geisha (left) is softer and less pigmented than the slightly darker and more coral toned Czarina (right).  It took more passes with the brush to get the color for Geisha shown in the swatches below.  Czarina only took 2-3 swipes to build up color, but it did kick up more powder. 
Both are quite lovely and the quality is top notch.  MAKE is one of those brands that flies under the radar, but I've found both the blushes and eyeshadows I've tried to be really nice.  I did find myself reaching for Geisha more than Czarina during the month of concentrated use, but they look so similar on it's really a toss up.
Wearing Geisha
Even with focusing on these for a month, I've barely made a dent in them.  Good thing powder products last such a long time.  So what will I focus on for the next month?  Hmmm.....I need to ponder that for a bit.  Stay tuned.


  1. Interesting, but I've a question: do you ever do any pictures that aren't EXACTLY the same? It's always at an angle, slightly below you, and the exact same expression. How about some full face or at least from the chest up? I'm starting to think you're a bot!

    1. You are absolutely right (well, not about the bot part)! However, that's the most flattering angle/shot for me and I doubt it's going to change anytime soon :-)
