Here's why: these pictures were taken 6 days into wear. I added another layer of top coat prior to taking pictures, but I've got zero chips and minimal tip wear with the original 2 coats of Nude Parisienne plus base/top coat. Seriously impressed.
If you are as unfamiliar with Alessandro International as I was, the polishes are $9.50 and they have an impressive range of colors (99 to be exact). Here is how they describe their line of polishes:
"designed to make the heart of any nail polish freak beat faster. And now with a new patented formula for even more brilliance on nails: Incredible long durability, Fast drying, No chipping, Smooth & streak free application, High color intensiveness due to UV absorber, Protects nails, High gloss shine."From what I can gather, Alessandro International has been developing products for nail salons since 1989. I'm not seeing anything about being 3, 4 or 5 free (of harmful ingredients), so I can't speak to that. Performance wise, however, Nude Parisienne delivered and has made my brown polish Hall of Fame :-) Linking up with The Nail Files hosted by Jennie Shaw:

Holy Moly! Even with another coat of top coat, six days is incredible wear! The colour's so rich, too. Alessandro International is a new brand that I'll keep an eye out for. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI was so lazy about taking pictures that I figured it had been too long, but when I looked at my nails they still looked good, which is unheard of for me 6 days in!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of that brand either. That color is different.
It's kind of a mushroom taupe - I really enjoyed wearing it.