
Monday, January 5, 2015

This, That, and Goals for 2015?

I'm not sure what I want to accomplish in 2015.  There are a few things I do want to focus on to contribute to a more healthy lifestyle, and to that end I've been fine tuning my diet a bit and trying to up my activity level.  I'm incorporating more foods that have anti-inflammatory benefits, such as kale, salmon, blueberries, and ginger, and have been enjoying making smoothies for breakfast.  A typical breakfast smoothie recipe for me looks like:
Breakfast smoothie pre-blend

Greek yogurt or tofu
half a banana
ginger root
flax seed or almonds (I eat the almonds with the smoothie, the flax seed I put in the smoothie)
parsley or celery or bell peppers
4-5 ice cubes

I got this as a gift with purchase when I bought a Babyliss Nano Titanium Portofino hair dryer from Ulta.  Probably one of the nicest GWP's I've ever gotten.  Makes for an easy to go breakfast on work days.
I did get a Fitbit for Christmas, which is helping me stay conscious that I need to MOVE MORE.  I've used pedometers in the past, but the convenience factor of the Fitbit with the online tracking are nice perks.  I'm pleased to see that I sleep like a rock (sleep efficiency 100%), despite waking up about once a night to shift due to hip pain. 
Typical dinner:  sauteed kale, broiled salmon, pita chips with hummus
Hip pain.  Sigh.  The technical term is Piriformis Syndrome, although I've not consulted a doctor for an official diagnosis yet.  It started a few months back and has not let up since, although it's forcing me back into my daily yoga routine, which does help.  Both mentally and physically.

Oh, and that standing desk that was part of last year's resolutions?  I've upgraded from stacked paper boxes to an actual standing desk, inherited from a co-worker that upgraded theirs.  I stand almost all day now, and when I do sit it's on a balance ball.  Prolonged sitting in a regular chair contributes to the Piriformis Syndrome, so that's out.

Okay, so my current 2015 goals look like:
  • Eat healthy
  • Daily yoga/pilates
  • Move more
I'm sure my list will grow, but it's still a bit amorphous at the moment.  I'd love to hear what others goals are, perhaps I'll get inspired!

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