
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Touch of Rose Cream Blush by The All Natural Face

Touch of Rose is the only shimmer out of the The All Natural Face cream blushes that I've tried so far.  A medium, warm leaning rose with silver shimmer, Touch of Rose gives a nice glimmer to face and lips without veering too far into frostiness.
Touch of Rose powder blush on left, cream on right
I was so eager to use it that I didn't get pictures of the compact in it's pristine, unused state - sorry about that.  These are small compacts and the blush itself is about the size of a silver dollar, but I find a few dabs on each cheek is plenty, which I then blend out with my blush brush.
I can see more shimmer in the powder version than in the cream version on my skin, but on my lips the shimmer is quite evident.  You can especially see it in my lip lines.  A gloss on top will smooth things out nicely and adds shine, however.
As the name of the company would imply, The All Natural Face uses natural ingredients and the vegan cream blushes contain organic jojoba oil, organic argan oil, candelilia wax, mica, titanium dioxide, boron nitride,  and oxides.  The cream blushes are $5.75 each and come in 27 different colors, although I find the color range tends towards warmer, earth toned shades in general.
Disclaimer:  I purchased this.

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